
Eli Stergiouli

2D Game Artist | Animator | Game UI designer


  • Skeletal animations using Spine, Unreal engine, Unity and Godot.

  • Vector graphics using Affinity Designer, Adobe suite and Inkscape.

  • Pixel art using Aseprite and Pyxel edit.

  • Raster game art and illustrations using Krita.

  • GUI design with Penpot, Figma, Affinity designer and Krita.

  • Git for version control.

  • Examples of work that I usually do:

    • Animations: Puppet/Skeletal animations, 2.5D, characters, animals, monsters, environmental, GUI, cut scenes, VFX, pixel art.

    • UI/UX: vector & raster graphics, icons, mock-ups and implementation in the engine.

    • Marketing material: steam capsule art, banners, animated ads.

    • Environmental art: props, vegetation, backgrounds, weapons & tools, tiles, seamless patterns, modular pieces.

    • Illustrations & Concept art: avatars, characters, marketing material.

    • Pixel art: tilesets, characters, backgrounds, props, animations, VFX.

    • Consultation: guide teams inexperienced with UI design, give my opinion on best practices and propose solutions to problems.

I have experience working alone, in a team and as an Art director. I am familiar with the Scrum agile framework and proper review cycles. I am experienced in designing new art styles and imitating others. I can both maintain stylistic consistency and work to bring art from mockup phase to final production. Furthermore I have a strong understanding of colour theory and composition. I am very good with maintaining file organisation and adhering to department guidelines. Lastly I have developed great communication and time management skills.


(2020 - 2024) 2D Game Artist, Animator and GUI designer.

Released Games:

  • I worked on Transmogrify (released on 2023) by Odyssey Entertainment using the Godot engine. I redesigned the UI, updated old art & animations and created new ones (e.g. auto tiles and various background elements) following the established art style.
  • I redesigned the UI of the game called Little locked rooms (released on 2024) by Rio Lucci, a puzzle visual novel.

Games under development:

  • Among other games, I am currently working with Meerkatapult Games to create Rusted Sea. I have created art assets and animations for characters, animals and environments. I have also made marketing material, for example steam capsule art and posters. (Link to the steam page)

  • Quest Machina by Kintech is an upcoming scifi game. I designed the UI and the capsule art. (Link to the steam page)

  • I am the Artist, Animator and UI designer for a game called Insectoid by Matthew Strittmatter. I have designed the assets for the bugs, the environments, tilesets, and all of the UI. (Link to the UI post)

  • I am the artist behind the game called Titan's Battalion by Battalion games. I am redesigning all of the art for the digital board game, including the UI.

  • I designed icons for the upcoming game called Samurai Zero by Neo Interactive, which was featured at the OTK games expo [video icons are shown at 0:31].

  • I have joined various other teams which I can’t mention yet because of NDAs, where I have both lead a team and/or replaced an artist that left. I successfully replicated the existing art styles which helped the creators finish their projects on time.


  • (2017 - 2018) Associate's degree in software engineering (Multimedia / Web Designer-Developer / Video games) from the Greek Public institute of Vocational Training. Certified EQF level 5 by EOPPEP.

  • UX workshop (Service Design Basics Training workshop – DT design thinkers Greece).

  • Languages: English (fluent: Level C2), Greek (native speaker)