Insectoids: UI mockups

Main menu (game title is a placeholder)

Main menu (game title is a placeholder)



Pause menu (game title is a placeholder)

Pause menu (game title is a placeholder)

Bug creation room. On the left you can select the what parts you want to your bug to have. On the right you have the saved bug profiles which you will be able to spawn in the game. The bug parts and the bug itself is a placeholder.

Bug creation room. On the left you can select the what parts you want to your bug to have. On the right you have the saved bug profiles which you will be able to spawn in the game. The bug parts and the bug itself is a placeholder.

Create a new world

Create a new world

Friends/AI bots selection screen.

Friends/AI bots selection screen.

Join a server code entry

Join a server code entry

Settings example

Settings example



Insectoids: UI mockups

"Insectoids" is an upcoming base building game where you manage your own bug colony. Here are some of the UI mockups I created for this game. The title graphic and some other assets are placeholders.
You can see all the art I designed for the game here: